Finding inspiration on Yahoo! Answers.

Lately I have been finding it hard to find inspiration for blog posts on my own sites as well as for some of my regular clients. I am pretty lucky in the fact that most allow me to write about whatever strikes my fancy as long as it relates to the Internet, marketing and preferably both at the same time.

Sometimes this freedom can be somewhat of an issue when a lack of inspiration takes hold. There are days when I can produce 2,000 – 2,500 words an hour without any issue. The ideas are flowing, the structure is simple and the articles or blog posts take very little work to complete. Yet there are other days where countless hours are wasted because I couldn’t come up with ideas or concepts for articles and would have rathered a client say “Please write about topic A and topic B”. Continue reading “Finding inspiration on Yahoo! Answers.”

Twitter headlines that interested me today

Ok, so I’m a bit addicted to Twitter these days. I’ve been working diligently on finding interesting people to follow and have gained a following myself. I have actually gotten a couple of customers through my interactions on the site which is definitely a bonus.

Here are some Twitter stories that interested me recently… Continue reading “Twitter headlines that interested me today”